Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia (2024)

Times-Dispatch, April 24, 1968 G. G. Gentry Presents Volunteer Award to Miss Laura Vietor Mrs. F. H.

Savage (right) Accepts Award for Westwood Juniors Miss Vietor Named Volunteer of Year Miss Laura M. Vietor has A firm conviction about the use of her time. And it was her conviction that led to her being named Volunteer of the Year at a dinner held last night in the Branch House to honor nominees for the Elizabeth D. Gibble a awards. Two of these awards were given was the Volunteer of the Year award to an individual, which Miss Vietor ceived, and another was the Volunteer Group of the Year award.

The awards are given for outstanding volunteer work in the community. Group Award head nurse in charge of a 12- bed floor. She is also responsible for the drug room including the checking and sorting of donated drugs where she gives 20 additional hours each month. Miss Vietor and her sister, Elizabeth, share a home to- The Westwood Junior Woman's Club received the Volunteer Group of the Year award. Miss Vietor is convinced that everyone should use his time and talents as long as he has health and an opportunity to do so.

That's why, after her retirement at 65, she has continued to give at least 40 volunteer hours in nursing at Sheltering Arms Hospital where she is FORECAST For Daytime Wednesdey Figures Shew High Temperatures Expected gether and it's this arrangement that enables Miss Vietor to give as many hours as she does at the hospital, she said. In receiving her award, a plaque, Miss Vietor was also cited for her skill in caring for "the very sick and for her reputation among her associates for her success with some of the hospital's most difficult patients." "I love nursing" is Miss Vietor's reason 1 for her volunteer work. Miss Vietor was nominated by Sheltering Arms Hospital. Two agencies nominated the Westwood Junior Club for, the Volunteer Group award. William Byrd Community House nominated the juniors for their work since adopting the William Byrd teen program as a club project.

The Westwood juniors also received a nomination from the Richmond Children's Aid Society for their sponsoring of the agency's project of a group home for teen-aged girls. Supervisor Hospitalized Stanley R. Hague member of the Chesterfield county board of supervisors representing Dale district, was admitted to Richmond Memorial Hospital Monday after becoming ill at his home. His condition was reported as satisfactory last night. Date From U.S.

WEATHER BUREAU COOL 50 COLD (AP Wirephoto) TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST Fair to partly cloudy skies are forecast for most of the nation, except the southern Plains, where scattered showers are expected. A few showers are also expected in the far northern Rockies, along with a few snow flurries in New England. Warm weather is expected over the western two-thirds of the nation, with cooler air along the Atlantic coast. The Weather VIRGINIA: Mostly sunny and Dearee days this month Degree days season cooler today, highest in the daily average temperature of 60's in southeast portion and than 65 subtracted from base of 65. 47-57 in the west and north Moon and Sun portions.

Sunset 6:53 RICHMOND AREA: Mostly Moon Sunrise rises tomorrow today 5:23 6:15 sunny and cooler with high- Moon sets today 8:03 est temperature in the middle High Low 50's. Blackstone 87 53 74 70 WINDS AND TIDES: Local Charlottesville 76 48 winds northwesterly 10-15 Front Danville Royal 89 44 57 mph today. Winds on lower Norfolk Lynchbura 66 85 47 Potomac and Chesapeake bay Roanoke 81 Washington 70 northwesterly 15-25 knots. Small craft warnings were Albany, New York 43 last Alpena 45 displayed night. Tides at Amarillo Asheville Hampton Roads: highs at Atianta 9:22 a.m.

and 9:44 p.m.; lows City Baltimore at 3:17 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Bismarck (For tides at other points, see Boise Boston Reedings at Byrd Field Weather Station Yesterday's Temperatures High 84 Low 50 Precipitation (Inches) Yesterday's precipitation Precipitation this month Precipitation this year Departure from normal this Departure from normal this year Heating Degree Degree days yesterday Richmond Times Dispatch PI BLISTIED morning and Sunday at 110 North Fourth Rictmmond 19. VA by Richmond Newspapers, Inc. Serend class postage paid at tuchmond.

Va. All righta and contents mas not. reproduced without el the publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES- By Trails and Sunday, 45. we-kly: Daily only.

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Daily and Sunday $75 00 $13.00 $6.80 $2.50 Daily only. 15.00 00 8.00 4 20 1.50 Sunday 10.40 5.20 2.60 1.00 I Lat to Forman Countries will fumed 1: request. Subscriptions by mail not accepted in Tor alit and which carrier service available Party Leader Dies in Roanoke ROANOKE, April 23 Alphous Michael Bowman Jr. Salem, Democratic leader in Roanoke county and a former county treasurer, died Tuesday. At the time his death he was chairman of the board of the Bank of Salem and a member of the board of trustees at Roanoke College.

Mr. Bowman was an alumnus of Roanoke College and served As vice chairman of a development council set up in 1958 for study of plans and recommendations for future development of the college. Funeral arrangements were incomplete. MRS. BRUCE G.

DODD Mrs. Ruth Butler Dodd, 45, of Hialeah. died Sunday, She was the wife of Bruce G. Dodd. Surviving are two daughters, the Misses Judith and Deborah Dodd, both of Hialeah: a brother, Seth Butler of Washington, and two sisters, Mrs.

Henry J. Stewart of Richmond and Mrs. Eugene Lillard of North Augusta, S. C. A funeral service will be held at 3 p.m.

Thursday at Joseph W. Eliley Funeral Home, with burial in Maury Cemetery. PETER W. LANE Peter Wilson Lane of 319 Forest ave. died Monday.

He was a retired watchman. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Minnie P. Lane; a son, Claude W. Lane of Richmond, and two sisters, Mrs.

Carrie, Taylor of Richmond Mrs. Nora Harris of Beaverdam. A funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday at Bennett Funeral Home, with burial in Oakwood Cemetery. The family requests that in lieu of flowers contributions be made to the Heart Fund.

MRS. NANCY W. THOMASON Mrs. Nancy Watson ason, 57, of 4001 West Franklin st. died Tuesday.

Surviving is her mother, Mrs. June M. Penick of Richmond. A funeral service will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday in Hollywood Cemetery.

MISS MARION E. DALTON Miss Marion E. Dalton, 55, of 1307 Evergreen ave. died Tuesday. She is survived by her mother, Mrs.

Nora L. Dalton and a sister, Miss Dorothy Dalton, both of Richmond. She was an employe of Hygrade Food Products Company. Funeral arrangements were incomplete last night. H.

RUSSELL HOLLAND H. Russell Holland, Judge of the municipal court of Oakland county, died Tuesday at his home at Pontiac, Mich. He was born in Wilmington, Fluvanna county, and received his undergraduate degree from the University of Richmond and his law degree from the University of Michigan. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Nell Rogers Holland; a daughter.

Sister Marie Russell of Monroe, a son, H. Russell Holland Jr. the Difference in the deal is in the Dealer Du Bose Buick 1223 WEST BROAD of Anchorage, Alaska; two sisters, Mrs. F. N.

Seavey of Manchester, N. and Mrs. J. B. Bell of Wilmington, and two brothers, J.

W. Holland of Carys Brook, Fluvanna county, and R. E. Holland of Richmond. A funeral service will be held Thursday at Pontiac, Mich.

WHITMEL H. URGUHART Whitmel H. Urquhart, 80, of Woodpecker rd. in Chesterfield county, died Tuesday. He Is survived by his wife Mrs.

Grace Couch Urquhart, a daughter, Mrs. Anne Jenkins of Richmond, a son, Whitnel H. Urquhart Jr. of Orlando, Fla. The funeral will be private.

SANELBY R. COBB Saxelby R. Cobb, 73, of 3317 Second ave. died Tuesday. He WAS A retired engineer for Chesapeake and Ohio Railway.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Gladys Dillard Cobb: a daughter, Mrs. W. H. Jones Jr.

of Richmond; a son, Saxelby Edward Cobb of Richmond, and a sister, Mrs. John H. Serman of Mansfield, Mass. A funeral service will be held at 4 p.m. Thursday at Woody Funeral Home, with burial in Forest Lawn Cemetery.

MRS. DUDLEY D. STANLEY A funeral service for Mrs. Grace Jones Stanley, 65, of 1711 Nottoway st. will be held at 1 p.m.

Wednesday at Nelsen Funeral Home, with burial in County Line Baptist Church Cemetery in Caroline county. Mrs. Stanley, wife of Dudley D. Stanley, died Monday. LeROY BOYD LeRoy L.

Boyd, 69, of 1307 Camden a retired automobile dealer, died Tuesday. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Jacob Boyd; two sons, William C. Boyd of Richmond and Robert L. Boyd, USAF, of Korea; a sister, Mrs.

Louise B. McSween of Louisa county, and a brother, Kenneth B. Boyd of Louisa county. A funeral service will be held at 3 p.m. Wednesday in Greenwood Memorial Gardens.

ROBERT W. WOODY SR. Robert Wiley Woody 67, of 6614 Franklin st. died Tuesday. He was a retired audiChesapeake and Ohio Railway.

He was a member of Strict Observance Lodge No. 207, Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Luna Thompson Woody; A daughter, Mrs. Charles L. Short of Cincinnati, a son, Robert W.

Woody Jr. of Richmond, and a sister, Miss Cally G. Woody of Atlanta, Ga. Funeral arrangements were incomplete Tuesday night. (Advertisem*nt) The part MONEY plays in MARRIAGE Do you quarrel with your spouse about money? Should husbands or wives have a separate allowance of their own -which does not need to be accounted for? In May Reader's Digest you'll read a revealing report, condensed from Redbook Magazine, about young couples who spend their money wisely.

Get May Reader's Digest now on sale. People have faith in Reader's Digest Shrine of Memory Visit us and see our large selection of Monuments DESIGNER AND STONE CRAFTSMEN (Established 1910) A. P. Grappone Sons 1104-14 S. RANDOLPH ST.

PHONE EL 5-6050 (Advertisem*nt) (Advertisem*nt) How Over 27 Million People Get Rid of Early Morning Depression -due to over-acid stomach, constipation, "morning after" upset New York, N. Y. (Special) -To- low the stomach. Gives Nature day, there is important news for a gentle "push," to help break so many people who find it hard up temporary constipation fast. to "get going" in the morning.

Provides the liquid- -bulk your For these men and women, early system needs to "get things movmorning depression may come ing" again. from physical causes, as well as Suddenly, early morning deemotional causes. Specifically, pression caused by such ills that dull, depressed feeling may simply vanishes! That bright, come from distress in the diges- peppy feeling quickly returns. tive tract -sour stomach, consti- And the name of this goodpation, "morning after" upsets. tasting, sparkling anti-acid laxBut today a sparkling, liquid ative, known and trusted the medication is available that world over, is ENO.

quickly copes with such ills. This Sparkling EN0 quickly banishes medication used by more than early morning depression -be27 million people the world over cause ENO's special formula gives fast 3-way refreshes your entire digestive Sweetens over-acid stomach in tract. With constipation relieved, seconds. Relieves distress due to sour stomach sweetened, "morntemporary hyperacidity, with ing after" upset soothed awaythe fastest-acting anti-acid you can face the day ahead feelknown to doctors. Quickly rids ing really good.

Ask for ENO, stomach of bloating gas. available today at all better drug Then, in addition, it works be- counters. Louis E. Weitzel, Organist, Dies Louis Weltzel, 80, of 1023. Park for years organist and choir director at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, died Tuesday, He also had been organist at St.

James's Episcopal, St. Giles Presbyterian and Centenary Methodist Churches. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary H. Weitzel.

Mr. Weitzel had studied in Minnesota and in New York under J. Warren Andrews, dean of the American Guild of Organists. A funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday at Second Presbyterian Church, with burial in Forest Lawn Cemetery.

MRS. OLA ARMSTRONG A funeral service for Mrs. Ola Children Armstrong of Goochland, who died Monday, will be held at 3 p.m. Wednesday in the Goochanld Baptist Church with burial in the church cemetery. Mrs.

Armstrong, widow of Henry Armstrong, survived by three sisters, Mrs. Priscilla Childress of California, Mrs. Lois Crostic of Richmond and Mrs. Gracie Rogers of Goochland, and two brothers, Herman Childress Glen Allen, Ernest Childress of Rockville. MRS.

ROBERT LORD JR. W. Bliley Funeral Home. appeared in 1960. rein new fashon fancy Flats with a flair! 7.99 Hofheimer's smart little flats take on great new shapes.

Light and lively, with cool cutouts, sleek snipped or ovaled toes. They're indispensable to your Spring fun wardrobe. Side scalloped flat; white cap softee calf with Irish coffee. Imported woven-leather skimmers; bone A requiem mass for Mrs. Marie Engelking Lord, 63, of 4524 Grove ave.

will be held at 9:30 a.m. Thursday at St. Benedict's Roman Catholic Church, with burial in Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Mrs.

Lord, wife of Robert P. Lord died Monday. A rosary will be said at 7:30 Wednesday at Joseph Izhak Ben-Zvi To Be Buried Today JERUSALEM, April 23 -President Izhak Ben-Zvi will be buried Wednesday In a Judean Hill Cemetery. He was eulogized by prime minister David Ben-Gurion Tuesday as "one of the most modest men among us." Ben-Zvi died at his home, the victim of cancer at the age of 78. Ben-Zvi succeeded Welemann in 1952.

He was re-elected to the nonpartisan post last October to a third five-year term. MRS. JOSEPH P. ZELUS A funeral service for Mrs. Annie Ballance Zelus, 80, of 4911 Nine Mile rd.

will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday at St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, with burial in Washington Memorial Park. Mrs. Zelus, wife of Joseph P.

Zelus, died Monday. MRS. WILLIAM SHEEHY Mrs. May Sheehy, widow of William Sheehy of 1212 Graycourt ave. died Tuesday.

She is survived by a daughter Mrs. Joseph Lawrence. Funeral arrangements were Incomplete last night. Columnist's New Book To Go on Sale Today Columnist Charles McDowell Jr. will be present at 4 p.m.

today in the tea room of Miller Rhoads when his new book, "What Did You Have in goes on sale. McDowell, whose column appears four times a week in The Times-Dispatch, has been with the paper since 1949. He is also the author of "One Thing After Another," which and coffee or all black. Lattice- vamp tie -flat; spice brown smooth calf with bone. UGF Elects Shumate to Head For 1963 Drive Stuart Shumate, president of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad, is the chairman of the 1963 United Givers Fund (UGF).

Shumate served on the UGF board of directors and as chairman, of the UGF evaluation committee last year. He is a member the Commission of the Industry of Agriculture for the state of Virginia, president and director of the Richmond Terminal Railway, and a member of the board of directors of the Richmond Chamber of Commerce and First and Merchants National Bank. Healso is a member of the Richmond Regional Planning Commission. A native of Fauquier county, he is a graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute. He lives at 4690 Arrowhead rd.

A veteran of World War II, he is a colonel in the army reserve. Driver Is Charged Robert James Jr. of the 700 block East Bates st. was arrested by police on a charge of driving while under the influence of intoxicants. STATE DEATHS LOVINGSTON- Mrs.

Lillian M. Davidson. 68. wife of A. T.

Davidson, died Tuesday. Funeral 11 a.m. Thursday Rock Springs Methodist Church, burial there. CHARLOTTESVILLE Mrs. Ada Emily Craver Blackhart, 85, died Tuesday.

Funeral will be held at Elkins. W. Va. John Alexander Barnette, 74. died Monday.

Funeral 2 p.m. Wednesday Hill and Irving Funeral Home, burial Monticello Memorial Park. ORANGE Mrs. Browning, 83, died Monday. Funeral 11 a.m.

Wednesday Rapidan Baptist Church, burial Waddell Memorial Presbyterian Church Cemetery. STAUNTON -Charles T. Lightner, 78. died Saturday. Funeral held Tuesday.

Mrs. Marie Landes Crosby, 67, died Sunday. Funeral held Tuesday. WILLIAMSBURG Funeral for Lewis F. Gore.

71. 11 a.m. Wednesday Bucktrout Funeral Home, burial Williamsburg Memorial Park. CLARKSVILLE Jack Lee Newton, 75. died 1 Monday.

Funeral 2 p.m. Wednesday kins-Cooper Funeral Home, burial Gravel Hill Cemetery. EMPORIA-Posie M. Vincent, 77, died Tuesday. Funeral 3:30 p.m.

Thursday Monumental Methodist Church, with burial in Emporia Cemetery. DOLPHIN-Mrs. Arthur W. Christopher, 72, died Tuesday. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs.

W. F. Ellington of Richmond. Funeral 4 p.m. Wednesday Thomas-Williams Funeral Home, Lawrenceville, burial Antioch Cemetery, Warfield.

CLIFTON FORGE--Funeral for William Henry Ganzert, 75, formerly of Richmond, 2 p.m. Wednesday Nicely Funeral Home, burial Mountian View Cemetery here. Mr. Ganzert, retired supervisor of safety and fire prevention for Chesapeake Ohio Railway, died Monday. BROOKNEAL-Mrs.

Willard J. Bentley, 44, of Phenix died Tuesday. Funeral 2 p.m. Thursday Midway Baptist Church, burial there. ALBERTA- -Louis L.

Elliott, 57, died Monday. Survivors include a daughter. Mrs. James D. Waller; two sons, Arthur G.

and George F. Elliott, and a brother. B. Lawrence Elliott, all of Richmond. Funeral 2 p.m.

Thursday Thomas-Wililams Funeral Home. Lawrenceville, burial Crestview Memorial Park Near South Hill. SMITHFIELD-Mrs. Cora C. Betts, 87, died Tuesday.

Funeral 3:30 p.m. Thursday Bullock Funeral Home, burial Mill Swamp Cemetery. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Henry O. Gwaltney of Richmond.

HUNTINGTON, W. Ludwell Harrison. 71. retired assistant general real estate agent for the Chesapeake Ohio Railway, died Tuesday. He Was a native of Richmond.

Funeral 3:30 p.m. Thursday Clingel- Carpenter Funeral Home, burial Ridgelawn Cemetery. HOPEWELL Mrs. Florida Allen, 63, died Tuesday. Funeral 2 p.m.

Friday Gould Funeral Home, burial Sunset Park. Chester. WILLIAMSBURG Lawrence Howard Martin 55. died Tuesday. Funeral 3:30 p.m.

Williamsburg Presbyterian Church, burial Cedar Grove Cemetery. MATHEWS Mrs. Annie Gay Edwards, 90, died Tuesday. A funeral 3 p.m. Thursday at Gwynn's Island Baptist Church, burial Gwynn's Island Cemetery.

Violinist to Play At Hopewell HOPEWELL, April 23 The violinist Rubinoff will come to Hopewell May 1, to give youth concerts at some local schools and an evening concert at Hopewell High School auditorium. MOVING Shelburne Dial AT 2-4228 Always Sand Flowers from FUQUA SHEFFIELD Flowers and Gifts W. Cary Dial EL Willow Laws Shepphr Center the Mall Dial AT 9-4011 Rein Buttalo Burlinaton .16 Cape Hatteras .15 Charleston, S. Carolina. Charlotte 84 Chattanooga 63 50 Chicago 67 Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus .19 Dallas 63 .13 37 Denver 10.52 Des Moines 33 Detroit 36 .53 Duluth Fresno 71 Houston Indianapolis 43 04 Jacksonville 91 67 Kansas City 59 38 Key West 85 76 Knoxville 59 .10 Little Rock 57 Louisville 46 Memphis 56 Meridian Miami Beach Milwaukee 08 Mpls.

-St. Paul .04 Mobile Montaomery Montreal .41 Nashville New Orleans New York 10 Norfolk Philadelphia .15 Phoenix 87 48 Pittsburgh 50 38 .07 Portland, Maine 43 33 .19 St. Louis 55 41 Salt Lake City 28 San Antonio 89 San Francisco 65 Tampa Seattle Toronto Savannah Washington Wilmington N. Carolina 70 88 56 078898 .34 144 4,022 less p.m. a.m.

a.m. p.m. Precip. 34 .34 .35 .22 .29 Average 417 AND 300 E. BROAD CARY COURT SHOPPING CTR.


Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

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