Austin Kueffner on LinkedIn: The Trust Pyramid and CRO As trust in you grows, the chances of someone… (2024)

Austin Kueffner

Outliant | We build enterprise websites that empower marketing teams.

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The Trust Pyramid and CROAs trust in you grows, the chances of someone choosing to do business with you also rise—whether in person or through your website.In essence, CRO is about building enough trust in a brand to encourage a user to take action.Trust forms the foundation of any successful customer relationship. It's developed gradually, like constructing a pyramid, with each level representing a deeper bond. Reaching the highest level—a committed, long-term relationship—requires careful nurturing and thoughtful CRO strategies at every stage.Building Trust Level by LevelLevel 1: No TrustHow to get here:- Do nothing. If someone doesn’t know your brand, they will stay on this levelLevel 2: Baseline Relevance and TrustHow to get here:- Visibility and Awareness:Ensure your brand is visible where your target audience is.- Content Marketing:Create valuable content that addresses user needs.- SEO and SEM:Optimize your website for search engines to increase visibility.- Social Media:Engage with your audience on social platforms.Level 3: Interest and Preference Over Other OptionsHow to get here:- Unique Value Proposition:Clearly articulate what sets your brand apart.- Customer Reviews and Testimonials:Leverage social proof to build credibility.- Competitive Analysis:Understand your competition to position your brand effectively.Level 4: Trust with Personal InformationHow to get here:- Value Exchange:Offer clear benefits in exchange for personal information.- Data Privacy:Demonstrate a strong commitment to data security.- Transparency:Be clear about how you collect and use data.Level 5: Share Sensitive InformationHow to get here:- Offer Guarantees:Provide clear and compelling guarantees, such as money-back promises or satisfaction guarantees, to reassure customers about their purchase.- Secure Payment Gateways:Use well-known, trusted payment processors and ensure that all transactions are encrypted and secure.- Trust Badges:Display recognized trust badges and certifications prominently on your site, especially at checkout, to reinforce the security and reliability of your service.Level 6: Willingness to Commit to an Ongoing RelationshipHow to get here:- Demonstrate Consistent Product and Delivery Excellence:Ensure every interaction reflects your brand’s commitment to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction.- Display Unparalleled Customer Support:Offer responsive, empathetic, and effective support that exceeds customer expectations and resolves issues promptly.- Encourage Active Community Participation:Create and nurture a community where customers can connect, share experiences, and engage directly with your brand.- Provide Ongoing Value:Regularly deliver valuable content, updates, and personalized experiences that keep customers engaged and demonstrate your long-term commitment to their success.

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  • Austin Kueffner

    Outliant | We build enterprise websites that empower marketing teams.

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    5 Tips for Writing Attention Grabbing Headlines...Crafting the perfect headline can be the difference between capturing your audience's attention or losing the to thousands of other distractions.Your headline needs to do more than just inform—it must evoke emotion, spark curiosity, and directly engage the reader.Here are five essential tips to help you create headlines that not only stand out but also drive action.Tip 1: Evoke EmotionA headline that taps into the reader's emotions is more likely to resonate and draw them in. Whether it's curiosity, fear, joy, or urgency, appealing to emotions can make your headline unforgettable. For example, instead of "How to Save Money," try"How to Save Money," try "How Marketing Leaders Can Cut Ad Costs of The Greedy Ads Platforms By 30%"Tip 2: Open a LoopCreate a sense of mystery or anticipation by opening a loop that the reader feels compelled to close. This technique hooks the reader's curiosity and encourages them to continue reading to find out more. For instance, "You Won’t Believe What Happens When You Try This Churn Reducing LCM Trick" teases just enough information to make them want to learn more.Tip 3: Call Out the ReaderDirectly addressing your audience makes the headline more personal and relevant. Use words that call out your audience so it feels like you are speaking directly to them. Headlines like "Header Are The Common SEO Mistakes SEO Leaders Make" or "How Marketing Exec Can Master Web Design in 30 Days" create a direct connection with the reader.Tip 4: Add More WordsContrary to popular belief, longer headlines are more effective. By adding more words, you can provide clarity and context, making the headline more informative and engaging. Instead of "Improve Your Website," you might say, "5 Counterintuitive Ways To Double Conversion Rate in Under 30 Days."Tip 5: Remove Power WordsWhile power words like "amazing" and "incredible" are often touted as attention-grabbing, they can come across as insincere or overly salesy. Instead, you should focus on clear, descriptive language that conveys the true value of your content without using overused buzzwords. For example, "A Practical Guide to Boosting Your Marketing ROI" is likely to be more effective than "The Incredible Guide to Marketing Success."Here are some examples of power words to avoid.-Secret-Powerful-Ultimate-Perfect-Best-Insane-Amazing


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  • Austin Kueffner

    Outliant | We build enterprise websites that empower marketing teams.

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    A skilled CRO professional should consistently release well-planned tests, not random ones that fail to reach statistical significance. Here are the 4 steps in a CRO test lifecycle. 1. Research- Technical Analysis: Test across browsers/devices, check conversion rates, and analyze speed.- Heuristic Analysis: Identify key areas, we check for relevancy and friction.- Web Analytics: Ensure accurate measurement, set KPIs, and find leaks.- Mouse Tracking: Use heat maps, click maps, and session replays.- Qualitative Research: Conduct surveys, analyze chat logs, and interview users.- User Testing: Identify usability issues.- Copy Testing: Test copy to see what drives conversions, ensuring clarity and relevance.2. HypothesizeBrainstorm and test multiple ideas when solutions aren’t obvious, especially when addressing specific issues like product fit concerns.If a quick fix is evident, implement it immediately. Investigate deeper when data shows potential problems, then prioritize tasks based on impact and effort.3. TestUse testing tools to validate hypotheses, ensuring sample size is sufficient for reliable results.Poor testing wastes resources, so avoid shortcuts and aim for statistical significance. Understand that most tests won’t result in immediate success, but every test offers learning opportunities. Analyze results across segments and iterate based on findings. A failed test is only a failure if nothing is learned from it.4. Iterative TestingPrepare to test repeatedly, as most problems won’t be solved with one attempt. Even failed tests provide valuable insights. Analyze segmented data to find winning strategies. If a test is inconclusive, refine your hypothesis and try again. We always aim to learn from every outcome, and continuously update our approach based on results.


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  • Austin Kueffner

    Outliant | We build enterprise websites that empower marketing teams.

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    CRO on a CTA is more than just changing the color of the button. Here are 5 actionable tips for creating CTAs that convert. 1. Ensure CTAs Highlight User Benefits / Don’t Be Afraid of Longer CTAsA call-to-action (CTA) should be more than just a directive; it should clearly convey the value or benefit the user will gain by taking the next step.For example, instead of a generic “Learn More,” we might say “Discover How to Boost Your ROI.”This approach makes it clear to the user what they stand to gain, encouraging more clicks and higher engagement.Somehow long CTAs became controversial, but I’ve found they convert better.2. Use Hero Images to Direct Attention to the CTAThe hero image on your webpage is crucial in guiding the user’s focus.We design hero images in a way that naturally leads the viewer’s eye toward our CTAs, whether through the use of directional elements, contrasting colors, or strategic placement.This visual guidance can significantly increase the likelihood of users noticing and clicking on our CTAs.3. Incorporate Time Sensitive LanguageAdding a sense of urgency to your CTA can spur users into action.Phrases like “Try Today” or “Buy Now” create a time-sensitive appeal, encouraging users to act immediately rather than delaying.This approach taps into the psychological principle of scarcity, making the offer feel more valuable and the action more pressing.4. Emphasize the User’s BenefitThe most effective CTAs are those that put the user’s benefit front and center.By focusing on how the user will gain from following your CTA, we make the action more appealing.Instead of simply saying “Sign Up,” we use “Get Exclusive Access Now,” which highlights the value of the action in terms of what the user will receive.5. Advanced Tip: Reflect the Headline in the CTAThis was a surprise to us, but for a more cohesive and persuasive experience, we tried mirroring the message of our headline in the primary CTA.If our headline promises “Cut Your Marketing Costs in Half,” our CTA might say “Cut Marketing Costs Today.”This reinforces the main message and provides a seamless connection between the headline and the action you want the user to take, increasing the likelihood of conversion.


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  • Austin Kueffner

    Outliant | We build enterprise websites that empower marketing teams.

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    Here are the 5 conversion rate killers that you 1. Poor usabilityYour website often serves as the first impression of your brand. If it doesn't present an attractive and professional appearance, potential customers will leave and likely never return.Here are some of the common pitfalls that companies face:- Dated/Unaesthetic Design- Slow Load Times- Non-Responsive Design- Complex NavigationAddressing these issues can lead to a significant increase in conversions.2. Unclear Value PropIf you cannot communicate about your products and brands, people will not be willing to spend money on your goods or services.Many landing pages fall into these two common conversion pitfalls:- Lack of Clarity- Generic MessagingInstead focus on clearly communicating:- What your product is (why it is special)- How it works- Who your product is forBy providing this clarity, your prospects can better decide whether to continue the sales process. Solving this issue will help prevent losing customers to uncertainty.3. Weak Calls to Action If your landing page can't guide prospects to where you want them to go, how are they supposed to get there?Your landing page should be designed to make users focus on a single decision:Click the button to do business with you or not.Make sure your CTAs are not:- Vague or Hidden- Too Many CTAsCleaning up your CTAs is often the easiest way to boost your overall conversion rate by a few percentage points.4. Lack of TrustPeople only purchase from those they trust, especially for high-ticket items.If a person lands on your page and doesn’t know your brand, their trust is already low.Therefore, your landing page should do everything possible to build that trust.If your landing page has any of these issues, it won’t convert:- No Social Proof- Poor Design and Content QualityTo increase conversions, add elements that build trust, such as reviews, trust bars, and tools that show credibility. For high-ticket items, offering free valuable content can build trust and position you as an authority.5. Bad OfferIf your offer isn’t a "no-brainer" for your target audience, achieving a satisfactory conversion rate will be impossible. Your offer is the foundation of your entire marketing and sales funnel.Improving your offer will likely lead to a bigger jump in conversion rates than addressing other issues. A compelling, valuable, and irresistible offer can overcome many deficiencies on your landing page or website.To create such an offer, you must understand your ideal customer and what they value most. Identify their biggest pain points and provide an offer that significantly alleviates those pains. Your offer should make them think, "I’d be crazy not to take advantage of this!"Enhance your offer with scarcity, social proof, and other psychological triggers to further boost its effectiveness. But remember, the foundation must be an irresistible offer for your target customer.



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  • Austin Kueffner

    Outliant | We build enterprise websites that empower marketing teams.

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    Last month, I shared that we were going ALL-IN on digital marketing. This month, we’re thrilled to see our investment paying off. Here are some acquisition highlights:- MQLs: 24, up from 14 last month (almost double)- SQLs: 4, up from 3 last month- Sales from net new clients: $267,000 (from a single marketing-acquired customer)Things are trending in the right direction. Here’s what’s been working for us:- Doubling our investment in Clutch: We’re now paying close to $30k/month for our listings.- Creating better creatives and congruent landing pages for Meta: This strategy is just starting to show results.Looking ahead to next month, we aim to 1.5x our current marketing numbers. Here’s our plan:- Invest in more video content.- Triple our Meta ad spend.- Fine-tune our Meta targeting.- Build four lead magnets.- Weekly Newsletter - Craft an enticing entry offer.There is a pretty clear pathway to 10xing our B2B lead flow. It's just going to take a lot of time to build all the pieces.

    • Austin Kueffner on LinkedIn: The Trust Pyramid and CROAs trust in you grows, the chances of someone… (16)


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  • Austin Kueffner

    Outliant | We build enterprise websites that empower marketing teams.

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    The easiest method to increase profit is to bill less frequently. Here is a comparison of retention rates and revenue impact based on different billing frequencies.Here are the average churn rates of each billing model. Monthly: ~5% per month. (54% annual retention rate) ( ~5% per quarter. (81.45% annual retention rate)Annual: ~15% per year. (85% annual retention rate) So if you have revenue for 1,000 subscribers at $10/month, here is how much revenue you would have from each billing cycle over 3 years. (I am going to avoid showing you the math here, so feel free to google it) Monthly Billing Total Revenue (3 Years): $106,805.19Quarterly Billing Total Revenue (3 Years): $246,747.94Annual Billing Total Revenue (3 Years): $308,700If you had no new sales come in over these 3 years, you would have close to 3x more revenue from annual billing than monthly. Bill less frequently = more profit.


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  • Austin Kueffner

    Outliant | We build enterprise websites that empower marketing teams.

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    We made a mistake and screwed up our marketing...Over the past six months, we developed a robust marketing engine with paid ads, landing pages, and consistent content.One significant change we implemented (something we would never do for a client) was a "hotfix" to replace our forms with Calendly selectors, as we discovered that Calendly calendar selectors convert better than forms.A "hotfix" refers to updating the live site/product without following the sprint release cycle. While the hotfix successfully changed the forms to Calendly selectors, it inadvertently broke our data pipeline that sends conversion data to Meta.This mistake cost us a few thousand dollars; even worse, it will take weeks for Meta's algorithm to re-optimize.Luckily, we don't have a high spend on meta, but it still stings. The road to riches is often filled with mistakes along the way.


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  • Austin Kueffner

    Outliant | We build enterprise websites that empower marketing teams.

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    Funny how my mindset has shifted about entrepreneurship over the years. First, it was: 'I need to make as much money as possible so I can enjoy life as much as possible.' Then, it became: 'I need to build systems so that I can work as little as possible to enjoy life as much as possible.' Now, it's: 'I enjoy life the most when I'm building things that make as much money as possible.'



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  • Austin Kueffner

    Outliant | We build enterprise websites that empower marketing teams.

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    This may seem surprising...But the hardest part of creating content isn't the act of creating itself—it's finding authenticity.It's easy to parrot what everyone else says. It's easy to reply to a post with a trite response. But putting words that truly reflect my thoughts and beliefs into a post requires not just effort, but also courage.It means digging deep to uncover what I genuinely believe to be true. It means clarifying my truths and having the bravery to share them openly.While I share information for the benefit of the industry, I also share it for the benefit of myself.


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Austin Kueffner on LinkedIn: The Trust Pyramid and CROAs trust in you grows, the chances of someone… (33)

Austin Kueffner on LinkedIn: The Trust Pyramid and CROAs trust in you grows, the chances of someone… (34)


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Austin Kueffner on LinkedIn: The Trust Pyramid and CRO

As trust in you grows, the chances of someone… (2024)


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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.